Gaudiya Vaishnava Philosophy

Gaudiya Vaishnava Philosophy and Ecology


A one day seminar organized in December 2017 with Ramnarain Ruia College


Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College in collaboration with Bhakti­ vedanta Vidyapith Research Center organized a one-day international seminar on ‘Vaishnava philosophy and ecology’ on 15th December 2017. The seminar was attended by more than 120 students and teachers from more than 15 colleges all across Mumbai. Vatsala Pai, the HOD of Philosophy Department at Ruia College, welcomed the dignitaries and paper presenters which included Gauranga Dasji (Director of Govardhan Eco Village) and Prof. David Haberman (Indiana university, U.S.A).


There were 2 panels where invited speakers presented their papers. Students witnessed a galaxy of international scholars like Dr. Ravi Gupta (Utah State University), Dr. Ferdinando Sardella (Assistant professor, Stockholm university), Dr. Kenneth Valpey (Research fellow at Oxford university Center for Hindu studies), Dr. Kamla Srinivas (Assistant prof, S.I.E.S college, Mumbai) and Dr. Himani Chaukar (Assistant prof. Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous college) present enlightening papers at these panels. Papers were presented on a wide range of topics like Ecology in literary works of Rabindranath Tagore and Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, Ethics of cow protection in Vaishnavism, Position of trees in Vaishnava Ecol­ogy, Comparison of Vaishnava and tribal perspectives on Ecology etc. The papers were followed by engaging questions and answers between the students and the scholars. Prof. Dr. Shubhada Joshi, (former HOD of Philosophy, University of Mumbai) delivered the valedictory address. Seminar was very well received by the audience.