Introduction to Vedic literature


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-by HG Kanai Krishna Das (Dean Academics, BVRV-Pune)

A discussion on pramanas: valid sources of knowledge (4 hours)

Vedic epistemology, various pramäëas and their jurisdictions, the superiority of Çabda pramäëa, juxtaposing other pramäëas with Çabda pramäëa, explanations with examples.

A general overview of Vedic literature (4 hours)
Different categories under Vedic scriptures, the purpose and brief contents of each category, ästika darçanas vs nästika darçanas, the three käëòas and their purpose, progression of sädhya and sadhana, karma-jïäna-bhakti trilogy in scriptures, special position of Çrémad Bhägavata puräëam.

Books of prasthäna traya: Çruti, Småti and Nyäya (4 hours)
The basic idea of prasthäna traya, history and scriptures under three categories, the topics, similarities and differences, analysis of availability of extant Vedas, Puränas vs Vedas, relationships between Vedänta and Bhägavata puräëa.

Fundamentals of spiritual knowledge: Five topics of Bhagavad-Gita (16 hours)
Éçvara: Brahman-Paramätma-Bhagavän trilogy, the concept of Éçvara as the possessor of inconceivable energies, differences with other ideologies
Jéva: ontology of Jéva, two types of jévas, the characteristics
Prakåti: Reality of material nature, vivarta vs Çakti pariëäma, adhiñöhäna and adhiñöhätré, various functions of prakåti
Käla: the concept of Käla as per Gétä and Vedänta, cyclic time vs linear time, Vedic Yugas, effect and purpose of Käla
Karma: various meanings of the term, the system of action and reaction, the role of jéva’s free will, Éçvara’s omniscience, benevolence and karma, explanation on the problem of evil.

Objectives of this course:

By the end of this course, the student will be able to
-Understand what the Vedic scriptures are and what the various categories within them are meant for
-Describe epistemological tools employed in Vedic scriptures
-Understand the extent of extant Vedic books in contemporary world and educate in right criteria to choose a scripture
-Understand and explain the diverse purposes of Vedas, but also see an underlying thread of uniformity
-Explain main topics of discussion in Vedic metaphysics



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