The project primarily aims to translate the Sri Sri Gaudiya Vaisnava Abhidhana, Volumes I to IV, written by Haridas Das. At this point, the translation of the Caritavali section of the 3rd Volume of the Abhidhana is in progress. The Caritavali contains biographical entries of prominent figures of Bengal – leaders, poets, disciples; especially the followers and associates of Caitanya Deva. The translated work will be supplemented with additional comments, annotations and supplementary notes on each entry. The project thus aims to create a comprehensive Gaudiya Vaishnava Encyclopaedia in English.
Team Members
•Dr. Abhishek Bose {Editor)
Assistant Professor
Department of Comparative Indian Language and Literature University of Calcutta
•Ms. Sayani Hazra {Research Assistant)
Research fellow, Bhaktivedanta Research Center
•Ms. Aishwarya Bhattacharya {Research Assistant)
Research fellow, Bhaktivedanta Research Center