About Us

The Bhaktivedanta Research Center, is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University(SPPU). It is dedicated for preserving, researching and disseminating the rich history, philosophy and cultural heritage of India. BRC provides training, guidance, academic and research expertise/platform to various sections of the society such as universities, academic institutes, researchers and interested individuals. BRC is globally connected with many international academicians and research scholars of prestigious universities such as Oxford Center for Hindu Studies (UK) and National Philosophical Counselling Association (USA) etc. It has taken many research projects on ancient Indian history, culture and vedic wisdom. BRC is well equipped with libraries, manuscripts, journals and state of the art training facilities.

Saint Tukaram Maharaj
Mission & Vision


The Bhaktivedanta Research Center aims to be a leading research center and academic institute that is dedicated to preserving, researching and disseminating the rich history, philosophy and cultural heritage of India with in contemporary society.


Book & Jounrnals
Research Projects