
BRC Kolkata’s proactive initiatives have helped conduct over fifty manuscript missions across the Indian subcontinent. Owing to its dedicated infrastructure for preserving fragile materials, the BRC Kolkata has received numerous manuscripts as donations. It now has over a thousand manuscripts preserved digitally and around seventy physical manuscripts. This treasure trove of manuscripts has content on a wide-range of subjects including Sahitya, Vyakarana, Vedanta, Vaidya, Agama, Tantra, Nyaya and Mantra Sastra. Most of the manuscripts are in Sanskrit language and the scripts are chiefly in Bengali and Oriya. Some of the texts in the manuscripts are also accompanied by commentaries. A sizable percentage of manuscripts are classified as rare. BRC Kolkata has a temperature-controlled room, fumigation chamber and a fire-proof cabinet to preserve them safely. Some of the fragile manuscripts have also been preserved on zinc-plates. 

The key aims of the manuscripts mission program at BRC are:


  • – Surveying and collecting manuscripts

  • – Conserving manuscripts in their original form

  • – Digitizing manuscripts

  • – Conducting outreach programs and awareness camps

A Collection of Manuscripts at BRC Kolkata